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[March, 2017] To Cambodia-300 Units ISUZU FTR Fire Truck

During the year of 2016, we got lots of fire truck orders from different countries,in total  1500units. While among them,we would like to show you the most interesting,complicated,encouraging and fruitful case- 300 units of ISUZU WATER FIRE TRUCK DELIVERED TO CAMBODIA.

Story begins an inquiry email. Our internationa department colleague got an email from Cambodia that they were searching for 2000gallons water fire truck. But customer did not inform other details. So our sales colleague recommended our most suitable model according to our sales experience.  Negotiation continued more than 5 months. Finally customer decided to cooperate with us and visit our factory at the same time. They were satisfied with our fire truck  quality and design.

After signed the contacts,the whole company highly payed attention to it. All of our workers worked day and night for the assembling of those fire trucks. We delivered those 300sets of fire truck on time. Our customers were so happy.

Story continues. We keep good business realationship with this customer till now. Even though they do not have latest purchase plan, we are happy to serve them in our whole life.

Hope you can also purchase fire truck from us-XDR TRUCK COMPANY!

PREVIOUS:16 fire sprinklers exported to Myanmar
NEXT:[Aug,2018] To Ghana-5 Units Rescue Fire Truck

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